G(loves) is an interactive acoustic project that embraces nomadic performance grounded in extensive research encompassing a fusion of replicable materials, sound, performance, and low-tech elements. It gives the participants a humor dilemma of controlling the visual body of sounds or being loyal to the sounds themselves.

The installation comprises several robotic hands covered with kitchen gloves. Some of the gloves react to the frequency of sounds, while others respond to the sounds’ amplitude. Through the interaction, G(loves) demonstrates the cooperation and tension between performers and performative objects.

1m x 0.6m x 0.4m (WxDxH)
Mixed-Media Installation
Exhibited at:
2023 Atelier Infolipo and Contrechamps Concert, Les 6 Toits, Geneva, Switzerland
Project in collaboration with Li Bing
Clarinet player: Laurent Bruttin
Cellist: Aurélien Ferrette